March 18, 2023
In teams of 3, rounds of
40 Burpee BJO
10 Synchro DB Deadlifts
10 Synchro DB Lunges
@ 50/35lbs x 2
Rest 1 min between rounds
TC: 35 minutes
Score 1: Time -5 minutes
Score 2: Total rounds & Reps on synchro work
While partner 3 is performing 40 BBJO, partner 1 & 2 perform in a synchronized fashion, 10 DB deadlifts and 10 DB lunges. When Partner 3 is done with the BBJO, athletes will take a 1 min rest. For round 2, partner 3 will join partner 1 on the amrap while partner 2 performs the BBJO.
In teams of 2
2 sets
15/15 Single leg Lateral medball toss*
15 Glute bridges hold + Medball overhead pass.
*15 tosses each athlete, 30 total tosses per leg